*name: Philip Vose
*email: flipvose@gmail.com
*agent: currently Philip has no agent
*artists statement: I love making pretty and unique pictures that tell a great story whatever the content may be. It’s my goal to help the viewer forget their surroundings if just for a few moments and show them a bit of fun, sadness, adventure, heart, and hope.
*bio: Philip Vose, or P.Vose as his friends like to call him, is the second oldest of five children born in the S.F. Bay Area. Much of his free time is spent toiling over blank sheets of paper drawing and painting the images that rattle in his brain. Since graduating from CalArts Character Animation in 2008 he has been working as an artist for projects such as Trolls 1 & 2, Rick and Morty, Gravity Falls, Amphibia, and Pickle and Peanut.
-"Rick and Morty Season 7" (Adult Swim)…
assistant art director
-"Merry Little Batman" (WB)… BG design
-"Amphibia 1 & 2" (Disney)… art director,
BG design, paint
-"Trolls 1 & 2" (DreamWorks)… concept artist
-"Rick and Morty Season3" (Adult Swim)… color
-"Pickle and Peanut" (Disney)… art director
-"Gravity Falls" (Disney)… BG design, paint
-"FishHooks" (Disney)… paint
-Disney Feature Apprenticeship… 2008, mentor:
Mike Gabriel